SEC(1975)585 - Standing Committee on Employment Item 3 on the Agenda Preliminary exchange of views on the draft action programme presented by the Commission concerning migrant workers and their families. Working document of the services of the Commission

Document date: [1975]

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HAEU Reference Code
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Brouet, Agnes

Content and Structure


Volume 1975/0013
Le(s) titre(s) et date(s) du(des) document(s) proposé(s) sont basés sur les plus pertinents du dossier.
Date indicative : 10/02/1975
Standing Committee on Employment Item 3 on the Agenda Preliminary exchange of views on the draft action programme presented by the Commission concerning migrant workers and their families. Working document of the services of the Commission (ENG)
Permanent comité voor arbeidsmarktvraagstukken Punt 3 op de agenda Voorlopige gedachtenwisseling betreffende het door de Commissie ingediende ontwerp-actieprogramma betreffende de migrerende werknemers en hun gezinnen Werkdocument van de diensten van de Commissie (NLD)
PUNTO 3 DELL'ORDINE DEL GIORNO Scambio di opinioni preliminari sul progetto di programma d'azione presentato dalla Commissione relativo ai lavoratori migranti e alle loro famiglie (ITA)

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Dutch, English, Italian

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Electronic File, Textual

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