Printed writings by TPS

Documents from [08/1965] to [06/1999]

Identity Statement

HAEU Reference Code
Reference Archivists

Bonini, Gherardo

Content and Structure


Copies of excerpts written with A. Rossi, M.T. Cappiello and A. Conserva "Il movimento dei prezzi in Austria dal 1700 al 1740" (1965)
Copy of "Banks and monetary policy" with Pierluigi Ciocca extracted from "World Banking" Statistical 60th Annual Survey (1970-1971)
Offprint "Tassi attivi e passivi in un sistema bancario oligopolistico" With Anna M. Biscaini and Giovanni Carosio from "Contributi alla Ricerca Economica" (Banca d’Italia, December 1972)
Copy of the TPS intervention "L’evoluzione sul tema della struttura finanziaria e lo sviluppo dell’economia italiana" delivered in Turin on 22 June 1975
Offprint edited by EC Commission "Relazione del gruppo di studio sul ruolo della finanza pubblica nell’integrazione europea" (General report, 1977)
Copies of "A note on the Intermediate Targets of Monetary Policy" (1979) written by TPS jointly with Cesare Caranza
Offprint "Teoria dell’occupazione, storia del sistema internazionale degli Stati e prospettive federaliste nell’integrazione economica e monetaria d’Europa" by Lugi Zanzi (1979) extracted by Proceedings of Congress on Labour and Employment held in Rome from 25 to 27 January 1979
Proceedings "Strenghtening the banking system in China : issues and experience" held in Beijing from 1 to 2 March 1999
Unpublished speech given for the Associazione Industriali di Vicenza held in Vicenza on 17 May 1999
"The euro: a currency bridging peoples and cultures", speech delivered at the Central Bank Governor’s Club held in Istanbul on 7 May 1999
Unpublished speech delivered at the general Assembly of Assolombarda held in Milan on 7 June 1999
Unpublished speech on "Payments and securities settlement systems in the European monetary union" delivered at the Operations, payments and settlements Summit 1999 held in Geneva on 23 June 1999

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English, Italian

Type of Archival Materials


Allied Materials

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