European Association for Banking and Financial History e.V.

Documents from [1989] to [2014]

Identity Statement

HAEU Reference Code
Extent and Medium

6 linear meters; 276 dossiers

Physical Medium


Reference Archivists

Meyer, Ruth Ingeborg


Custodial History

The fonds has been deposited at the HAEU under the terms of a contract signed between the HAEU Director, Dieter Schlenker, and the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Board of Management Hugo Bänziger and Manfred Pohl, on 22 April 2014. The material was transferred from the headquarters of the European Association for Banking and Financial History e.V. in Frankfurt to the HAEU in Florence in the summer of 2014.
In autumn 2021 there was an additional transfer of archival material.

Content and Structure


The EABH fonds includes documents pertaining to the creation of the Association in 1990, to the work of its governing bodies and and to its activities which consist in encouraging the publication of academic research on banking and financial history and in promoting the preservation of historically valuable archive material of public and private banking institutions.

The dossiers cover the years 1989 to 2013 (some documents dating 2014) and include: correspondence by members of the governing bodies, the General Secretariat, EABH members, banking institutions and publishers; minutes, agenda and documents pertaining to meetings of the governing bodies and ad hoc working groups; documents related to conferences, seminars and workshops including the texts of the speeches and papers presented.
A collection of photographs taken during various events, a collection of printed 'Public Relations' material and some electronic/digital storage media (CDs) are also included in the fonds.
It is worth noting that a increasingly large number of correspondence starting from approximately 1995 consists of papers versions of electronic mails (print-outs).

Ruth Ingeborg Meyer, Florence March 2016

System of Arrangement

Respecting the existing organisation of the series and the files, the archival arrangement of the fonds formalizes the structure and activities of the association and reflects thematic and chronological criteria.
The introductions to the sub-fonds and the series give a short introduction in the powers and functions of the given entity in order to contextualize the files. In various series the description of certain files is detailed on item level.

Conditions of Access and Use

Access Conditions

The fonds is open for consultation.
Files containing information in need of protection are closed for consultation according to the 30-year rule.

The user engages to respect the copyright and intellectual property rights for the photographs and academic papers included in this fonds.

Reproduction Conditions

Academic utilisation and partial reproduction (in the form of photocopies or digitalized photographs only) of the documents is authorized in accordance with the provisions in force at the HAEU.


English, French, German, Greek, Italian

Type of Archival Materials

Electronic File, Photograph, Textual

Physical Characteristics

Generally very good conservation conditions.

Allied Materials

Fonds Publications
Publications held by the EUI Library and transfered as part of the fonds

Relations Area

Related Unit of Description

Publications by EABH held by the European University Institute's library prior to the deposit of the fonds.