Interview with Barón Crespo, Enrique

From the Leaders Beyond The State Collection

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Interview Informations

Recorded in 22 October 2018 - 22 October 2018 Florence, Italy
Interview by Daniele Pasquinucci in English

Access Level
Open Transcript, Open Audio




During the interview, the witness discussed the following topics: Family and educational background, Professional career during the 1960s, International relations during the 1970s, Spanish Constitution, Spanish Accession to the European Communities, Appointment to the presidency of the European Parliament, Atmosphere in the European Parliament, Collapse of Communist regimes in Eastern Europe, Maastricht negotiations, Relations between the European Parliament and the European Commission, Jacques Delors, Political career during the 1990s, Chairmanship of the Socialist Group in the European Parliament, Euroscepticism, Brexit, European Union’s international role, Federalism.

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Interview with Enrique Barón Crespo