Interview with Atkinson, Harry
From the Oral History of Europe in Space CollectionIdentity Statement
Recorded in 01 May 2008 Bampton
Interview by M. Godwin in English
Electronic File
education, professional career: Atomic Energy Research Establishment Harwell / Rutherford Laboratory: 1958-1968 (page: 5-7)
domestic policy: United Kingdom: Cabinet Office / research policy: cargo / Concorde airplane / environment / Rothschild Report: 1967-1972 (page: 7-9)
space research: United Kingdom: Science Research Council: astronomy / sounding rockets: 1972 (page: 10-12)
space policy: United Kingdom: European space cooperation / NASA: CERN / ELDO / ESRO: 1950-1965 (page: 12-13, 15, 30-31)
European Space Conference: United Kingdom: ESRO programmes: 1971-1972 (page: 14-15)
ESA: ESA Convention: ESA Science Programme: France / United Kingdom: microgravity (page: 18-20, 39)
European Space Conference: United Kingdom: ESA setting up: ESA programmes / LIIIS launcher / national research budget / Spacelab: 1973 (page: 15-18, 33)
ESA: ESA Science Programme: ESTEC facilities: Atkinson Report: 1975-1977 (page: 20-22)
space policy: United Kingdom: Europeanisation of national space programmes / NASA: Ariel satellite / Horizon 2000 programme / IUE satellite / IRAS satellite: 1958-1985 (page: 23-25)
ESA: ESA Council: chairmanship: 1975-1987 (page: 25-27)
ESA: Giotto mission: Giotto launching: 1980-1986 (page: 27-30)
ESA/ESRO: ESA headquarters / ESRO site: United Kingdom (page: 31-33)
space policy: United Kingdom: British National Space Centre: director general / setting up (page: 33-35)
space research: United Kingdom: Near Earth Objects Working Group: 1999-2000 (page: 35-37)
ESA: ERS satellite (page: 38-39)
space research: United Kingdom: Natural Environment Research Council / Science and Engineering Research Council: astronomy / earth observation / meteorology: 1979-1989 (page: 38-41)
Aardenne, G. M. V. Van, Bondi, Hermann, Boyd, Robert, Cockroft, John, Curien, Hubert, Gibson, Roy, Granelli, Luigi, Heseltine, Michael, Houghton, John, King-Hele, Desmond, Lawson, John, Lovell, Bernard, Lüst, Reimar, Massey, Harrie, Pounds, Ken, Richmond, Mark, Rothschild, Victor, Sagdeev, Roald, Sainsbury, David, Wedgwood Benn, Antony, Wilmore, Peter, Wolff, Heinz, Young, Wayland, Zuckerman, Solly
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