Interview with Duchâteau, Pierre
From the The European Commission 1958-1973. Memories of an institution CollectionIdentity Statement
HAEU Reference Code
Interview Informations
Recorded in 22 December 2003 Bruxelles
Interview by Y. Conrad and A. Legendre in French
Access Level
Open Transcript, Closed Audio
Electronic File
education, professional career (page: 3, 10, 25, 30)
European civil service: social life (page: 25-26)
Euratom: France: EAEC President: 1958-1961 (page: 3-4, 6-9)
Euratom: Merger Treaty (page: 10)
EC Commission: EC Protocol: 1958-1967 (page: 5)
common commercial policy: GATT: Kennedy Round: 1968 (page: 11-12)
EC Commission: European Commissioner: cabinet: 1967-1973 (page: 14-16, 18)
enlargement of the Community: United Kingdom: 1972 (page: 19-21, 27)
common commercial policy: GATT: Hungary: 1970 (page: 21-22)
enlargement of the Community: Spain: Israel (page: 22-23)
enlargement of the Community: Austria: common transport policy (page: 23)
EC external relations: CMEA: espionage (page: 24)
European civil service: social life (page: 25-26)
Euratom: France: EAEC President: 1958-1961 (page: 3-4, 6-9)
Euratom: Merger Treaty (page: 10)
EC Commission: EC Protocol: 1958-1967 (page: 5)
common commercial policy: GATT: Kennedy Round: 1968 (page: 11-12)
EC Commission: European Commissioner: cabinet: 1967-1973 (page: 14-16, 18)
enlargement of the Community: United Kingdom: 1972 (page: 19-21, 27)
common commercial policy: GATT: Hungary: 1970 (page: 21-22)
enlargement of the Community: Spain: Israel (page: 22-23)
enlargement of the Community: Austria: common transport policy (page: 23)
EC external relations: CMEA: espionage (page: 24)
Cited Persons
Armand, Louis, Couve De Murville, Maurice, Deniau, Jean-François, Guazzugli Marini, Giulio, Haferkamp, Willy, Hirsch, Etienne, Lapie, Pierre-Olivier, Rey, Jean, Wellenstein, Edmund
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