Interview with Sliben, Niels Henrik
From the The European Commission 1973-1986. Memories of an institution CollectionIdentity Statement
Recorded in 30 June 2011
Interview by Johnny Laursen
Electronic File
Denmark, recruitment, head of division, DG VII, Common Transport Policy, aviation, maritime transport, motor transport, roads, Trans-Alpine transport, Switzerland, Austria, the role of the permanent representation and recruitment, Caspari, horizontal organisation of DG, Council of Ministers, European Parliament, bridge club, Danish Foreign Ministry in 1980's, collaboration with Commission, national policy coordination, German policy coordination, COREPER, Council of Ministers, secretariat general of Council of Ministers, Delors Commission and Council, Single Act, liberalization, composition of cabinets, Ritt Bjerregaard, Niels Helveg Petersen, Henning Christophersen, Santer Commission, sacking off, Svend Auken, reform of the Council secretariat general in 1990's, presidency, Nils Ersbøll, rolling Presidency plans, 1995 enlargement, Council directorate generals, Council machinery, 2001 enlargement
Auken, Svend, Bjerregaard, Ritt, Christophersen, Henning, Ersbøll, Niels, Helveg Petersen, Niels
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