Interview with Kolte, Lars
From the The European Commission 1973-1986. Memories of an institution CollectionIdentity Statement
Recorded in 29 June 2011
Interview by Johnny Laursen
Audio, Electronic File
Au cours de l'interview le témoin a abordé les sujets suivants: Denmark, central bank, COREPER, Danish permanent representation, macroeconomics, budgets, financial affairs, monetary questions, IMF, agriculture, Greece, the legal service, annual reviews, DG personnel, flags on posts, Spain, Portugal, accession, European Council, Pascal Lamy, Jacques Delors, Emile Noël, Emile Noël's note taking at Commission meetings, DG VI, DG XIX, directors general, structural funds, VAT, budgetary reform, budget councils, Henning Christophersen, Guy legras, British budgetary question, Europeanism, administrative cultures, Bjarne Bladbjerg.
Bladbjerg, Bjarne, Christophersen, Henning, Delors, Jacques, Lamy, Pascal, Legras, Guy
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