Interview with Hughes, Aneurin

From the The European Commission 1973-1986. Memories of an institution Collection

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Recorded in 05 October 2010
Interview by Piers Ludlow

Access Level
Open Transcript, Closed Audio

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Au cours de l'interview le témoin a abordé les sujets suivants : appointment process; enlargement; manuel des procédures; information policy; Eurobarometer; Thatcher's refusal to reappoint Ivor Richard; cultural policy; Iberian enlargement; opening of mission in Oslo; Vredling directive; social policy; Norwegian membership negotiations; European Economic Area; impact of first enlargement; Noël's style of administration; 1975 referendum campaign; relations with bilateral ambassadors in Norway; European Social Fund; computerisation; linguistic balance; Delors as President; social life in Brussels; European choir; Christopher Audland; Emile Noël; George Thomson; Christopher Soames; Neil Kinnock; Dafydd Wigley; Dafydd Elis-Thomas; John Greenwood; Roy Jenkins; François Ortoli; Crispin Tickell; Bino Olivi; Renato Ruggiero; Roy Pryce; Paul Collowald; Jacques-René Rabier; Hayden Phillips; Klaus Ebermann; Michael Jenkins; Gwyn Morgan; Michael Emerson; Ivor Richard; Sue Binns; Karen Fogg; George Trevelyan; George Trevelyan; Charles Powell; Bruce Millan; Paolo Cecchini; Carlo Ripa di Meana; Richard Hay; Christopher Tugendhat; Jacques Delors; Pascal Lamy; Gro Harlem Brundtland; Jonas Gahr Støre; Leon Brittan; Klaus Meyer; Henri Etienne; Edmund Wellenstein; Alan Rogers; Will Edwards; Peter Kenyon; John Palmer; Douglas Hurd; Marcello Mastroianni; Jean Degimbe; Dennis Grennen; Etienne Davignon; Frans Andriessen; Gaston Thorn; Wilhelm Haferkampf; Franz Froschmeier; Klaus-Dieter Ehlermann; Ivan Berg; David Ratford; Paul Lever; David Williamson; Hywel Ceri Jones; Liam Hourican; Corrado Pirzio-Biroli; Manfredo Macioti; Etienne Reuter; Manuel Santarelli; Pierre Baichère; Andrew Mulligan; Pierre Bérégovoy; Rory Quinn; Manuel Marin; Abel Matutes; Pierre Aubenois; Valéry Giscard d'Estaing; Helmut Schmidt; Endymion Wilkinson; Franco Maria Malfatti

Cited Persons

Aubenois, Pierre, Audland, Christopher, Baichère, Pierre, Bérégovoy, Pierre, Berg, Ivan, Brittan, Leon, Brundtland, Gro, Cecchini, Paolo, Degimbe, Jean, Delors, Jacques, Ebermann, Klaus, Edwards, Will, Ehlermann, Claus-Dieter, Elis-Thomas, Dafydd, Emerson, Michael, Etienne, Henri, Froschmaier, Frank, Giscard d´Estaing, Valery, Greenwood, John, Grennen, Dennis, Hay, Richard, Hourican, Liam, Hurd, Douglas, Jenkins, Michael, Kenyon, Peter, Kinnock, Neil, Lamy, Pascal, Lever, Paul, Macioti, Manfredo, Maria Malfatt, Franco, Marin, Manuel, Mastroianni, Marcello, Matutes, Abel, Meyer, Klaus, Millan, Bruce, Mulligan, Andrew, Olivi, Bino, Phillips, Hayden, Pirzio-Biroli, Corrado, Powell, Charles, Pryce, Roy, Quinn, Rory, Rabier, Jacques-René, Ratford, David, Reuter, Etienne, Richard, Ivor, Ripa di Meana, Carlo, Rogers, Alan, Ruggiero, Renato, Santarelli, Manuel, Schmidt, Helmut, Soames, Christopher, Støre, Jonas, Thomson, George, Tickell, Crispin, Trevelyan, George, Wellenstein, Edmund, Wigley, Dafydd, Wilkinson, Endymion

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