Interview with Wall, Stephen

From the The European Commission 1986-2000. Memories of an institution Collection

Identity Statement

HAEU Reference Code
Interview Informations

Recorded in 10 June 2016 Florence
Interview by Federico Romero in English

Access Level
Open Transcript, Open Audio

Electronic File



Topics discussed during the interview include:
- Education and career steps;
- Permanent Representative;
- Contacts with domestic groups, lobbies, associations (BA, Jaguar);
- Santer crisis and power of EP;
- Effectiveness of the Commission and representation of national interests with it;
- Opinions on main figures (Delors, Santer, Cloos, Prodi, Monti, Brittan, de Boissieu);
- Inner workings and practices of Coreper;
- BSE (‘mad cow disease’) crisis;
- British politics and the EC, UK and Amsterdam Treaty;
- The Labour government and Tony Blair’s approach to EU;
- BSE affair and the Santer commission scandal;
- Appointment of Neil Kinnock;
- Foreign policy issues, attitudes and decisions about Eastern enlargement;
- UK and Europe in a broad perspective;
- British understanding of integration, particularly the Euro project
- The UK and Franco-German relations.

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