Interview with Mogg, John Frederick

From the The European Commission 1986-2000. Memories of an institution Collection

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Recorded in 17 January 2017 Westminster
Interview by Piers Ludlow in English

Access Level
Open Transcript, Open Audio

Electronic File



In this interview, Lord Mogg recalls his time first as deputy Director-General and then as Director-General responsible for the Internal Market. He discusses the different working cultures of the various Commissioners he worked under, especially Martin Bangemann and Mario Monti, the contrast between being a deputy Director General and a Director General, and his effort to improve the management of his DG. Also explored is the Commission’s increasing interest in and activism towards the financial services sector, something that happened very strongly in the late 1990s and early years of this century, the effects of enlargement both past and imminent, the growing bureaucratization of the Commission and rows over the free movement of people. Individuals mentioned include Delors, Santer, Perissich, D’Archirafi, Williamson, Trojan, McCreevy, Dewost, Fortescue, Schaub, Kinnock.

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