Interview with Jones, Hywel Ceri

From the The European Commission 1986-2000. Memories of an institution Collection

Identity Statement

HAEU Reference Code
Interview Informations

Recorded in 06 May 2016 London
Interview by Antonio Varsori in English

Access Level
Open Transcript, Open Audio

Electronic File



During this interview, Mr Jones discussed the following topics:
- entering the European Commission;
- his role in the Task Force for Human Resources, Education and Training;
- the Erasmus programme;
- involving countries from former Communist Europe in the EU’s educational programmes;
- Jacques Delors’ attitude towards education and training;
- his relations with the Commissioners;
- the Commission’s relationship with Cedefop;
- the Action Jean Monnet;
- his relations with the European Parliament;
- Delors and the principle of shared responsibility;
- his main goals and challenges in DGV: Employment, Social Affairs and Education;
- reforming the European Social Funds;
- opening the range of social policy questions to civil society;
- relations between DG V and the trade unions and employers;
- the European social model;
- the creation of the Bureau for Lesser used Languages;
- Romano Prodi’s reform;
- the Commission’s way of working.

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