Interview with Gradin, Anita

From the The European Commission 1986-2000. Memories of an institution Collection

Identity Statement

HAEU Reference Code
Interview Informations

Recorded in 04 April 2016 Stockholm
Interview by Haako n A. Ikonomou in English

Access Level
Closed Transcript, Closed Audio

Electronic File



Topics discussed during the interview include:
- Early years in the socialist movement and the Social Democratic Women’s movement
- Learning from the parents’ political involvement in the temperance movement.
- Her entry into the Council of Europe, working with broader issues than the EC, preparing Central and Eastern European countries for EU membership, working with refugee issues, and building a broad European network.
- Gradin’s years in the Palme Government, and how the minister post prepared her for being a Commissioner.
- Reflections on the close cooperation and trust within her Commission cabinet, and the importance of the socialist network in Europe.

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