Henningsen, Jørgen
Identity Area
Description Area
1965: Master of Science in Chemical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
1965-1973 : Assistant/associate Professor at the Department of Chemical Engineering, DTU. Petroleum Refining, Catalysis.
Sabbatical year at Stanford University 1971-1972
1973-1980: Ministry of Environment, Denmark, Deputy Director General from 1976
1983-1987: Worked in most areas of environment policy, particularly Chemicals, Acidification, Environmental aspects of energy policy, Water policy
1980-1983: Danish Oil & Natural Gas Co. Director for Oil trade (incl. refining)
1987-1998: European Commission, Director DG Environment, Air, Water, Nature Conservation, Climate Change
2001-2006: European Commission, Principal Adviser, DG Energy and Transport. Fellow at the Weatherhead Centre for International Affairs, Harvard University 2004-2005
Since 2007: Advisor on Energy and the Environment to the European Policy Centre.
He headed the commission’s negotiations on the UN Climate Convention and the subsequent Kyoto Protocol
He retired from the European Commission in 2006 and is currently senior consultant for the European Policy Centre think tank.
Relations Area
Henningsen, Jørgen
Identity Area
Description Area
1965: Master of Science in Chemical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
1965-1973 : Assistant/associate Professor at the Department of Chemical Engineering, DTU. Petroleum Refining, Catalysis.
Sabbatical year at Stanford University 1971-1972
1973-1980: Ministry of Environment, Denmark, Deputy Director General from 1976
1983-1987: Worked in most areas of environment policy, particularly Chemicals, Acidification, Environmental aspects of energy policy, Water policy
1980-1983: Danish Oil & Natural Gas Co. Director for Oil trade (incl. refining)
1987-1998: European Commission, Director DG Environment, Air, Water, Nature Conservation, Climate Change
2001-2006: European Commission, Principal Adviser, DG Energy and Transport. Fellow at the Weatherhead Centre for International Affairs, Harvard University 2004-2005
Since 2007: Advisor on Energy and the Environment to the European Policy Centre.
He headed the commission’s negotiations on the UN Climate Convention and the subsequent Kyoto Protocol
He retired from the European Commission in 2006 and is currently senior consultant for the European Policy Centre think tank.