Mathijsen, Petrus
(NL)Description Area
University of Minnesota, Graduate School, M.A in Economics, 1951-1952
Leiden University,Law-masters 1951, PHD 1957
Philosophy and Litterature introduction to Law, Brussels, 1942-1944
Military Volunteer 1944, Sandhurst 1945
Dutch Indies 1946-1948 : captain, paratroops
Ministry of Defense, The Hague, European Defense Community, 1952
Referendaire European Community Court of Justice, Luxemburg, 1953-1958
Legal adviser to the Euratom Commission, Brussels, 1958-1968
Director in Directorate-General Competition, EEC Commission 1968-1977
Director-General for Regional Policy, EC Commission 1977-1986
Substitute member of the board of the European investment Bank, 1977-1986
Délégué général of the European Confederation of the Food and Drink Industries, 1986-1990
Managing partner of Eurolegal : association of eight European law firms, 1990-2000
Member of the Brussels Bar since 1996, Mathijsen Advocatenkantoor
Relations Area
Mathijsen, Petrus
(NL)Description Area
University of Minnesota, Graduate School, M.A in Economics, 1951-1952
Leiden University,Law-masters 1951, PHD 1957
Philosophy and Litterature introduction to Law, Brussels, 1942-1944
Military Volunteer 1944, Sandhurst 1945
Dutch Indies 1946-1948 : captain, paratroops
Ministry of Defense, The Hague, European Defense Community, 1952
Referendaire European Community Court of Justice, Luxemburg, 1953-1958
Legal adviser to the Euratom Commission, Brussels, 1958-1968
Director in Directorate-General Competition, EEC Commission 1968-1977
Director-General for Regional Policy, EC Commission 1977-1986
Substitute member of the board of the European investment Bank, 1977-1986
Délégué général of the European Confederation of the Food and Drink Industries, 1986-1990
Managing partner of Eurolegal : association of eight European law firms, 1990-2000
Member of the Brussels Bar since 1996, Mathijsen Advocatenkantoor