Hauge Pedersen, Jens
23 September 1943 (Torring (DK))Description Area
1969 MS Agriculture economics, The Royal veterinary and Agricultural University, Copenhagen
1972 BS International Trade – Copenhagen Schools of Economics and Business Administration
1969-72 Research Fellow, The Food and Economics Institute, Copenhagen
1972-77 Principal, Ministry of Agriculture, Copenhagen
1977-81 Member of Vice-President Finn O. Gundelachs cabinet, The EEC Commission, Brussels
1981-85 Deputy chef de cabinet, Poul Dalsagers cabinet, The EEC Commission, Brussels
1985-89 Head of Division, The Ministry of Agriculture, Copenhagen
1989-94 Agricultural Councillor, The Danish permanent Representation in Brussels
1994-99 Deputy Director general, The Ministry for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, Copenhagen
1999-2009 Deputy Director general, The Danish Food Industry Agency, Copenhagen
2009- Special Adviser – EU Affairs
Relations Area
Hauge Pedersen, Jens
23 September 1943 (Torring (DK))Description Area
1969 MS Agriculture economics, The Royal veterinary and Agricultural University, Copenhagen
1972 BS International Trade – Copenhagen Schools of Economics and Business Administration
1969-72 Research Fellow, The Food and Economics Institute, Copenhagen
1972-77 Principal, Ministry of Agriculture, Copenhagen
1977-81 Member of Vice-President Finn O. Gundelachs cabinet, The EEC Commission, Brussels
1981-85 Deputy chef de cabinet, Poul Dalsagers cabinet, The EEC Commission, Brussels
1985-89 Head of Division, The Ministry of Agriculture, Copenhagen
1989-94 Agricultural Councillor, The Danish permanent Representation in Brussels
1994-99 Deputy Director general, The Ministry for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, Copenhagen
1999-2009 Deputy Director general, The Danish Food Industry Agency, Copenhagen
2009- Special Adviser – EU Affairs