Ernst, Wolfgang
Description Area
Wolfgang Ernst was sent by the German Economic Ministry to Luxembourg in July 1952 to prepare for the initiation of the activities of the High Authority in the framework of the European Coal and Steel Community. He was soon recruited to the Secretariat directed by Max Kohnstamm, where he was mainly involved in writing and recording the minutes of the meetings held by the High Authority. Wolgang Ernst later dealt with the EC External Relations.
Relations Area
Ernst, Wolfgang
Description Area
Wolfgang Ernst was sent by the German Economic Ministry to Luxembourg in July 1952 to prepare for the initiation of the activities of the High Authority in the framework of the European Coal and Steel Community. He was soon recruited to the Secretariat directed by Max Kohnstamm, where he was mainly involved in writing and recording the minutes of the meetings held by the High Authority. Wolgang Ernst later dealt with the EC External Relations.