Department of Foreign Affairs, Ireland
Sub-Registry series CM/… (Common Market Series)
General Registry 305 Series (Information, Political, Organisation for Economic Co-operation Files)
General Registry 313 series (collection of political/general reports from missions abroad)
General Registry series covering UN Matters (including files from Legal and Political Divisions)
General Registry 417 Series (including files from Political and Legal Division )
General Registry 444 series (Files relating to OECD)
General Registry 340 series (General administrative series inluding parliamentary questions, procedures and related matters)
CE Series (Dedicated series covering all Council of Europe matters)
Embassy Files (individual deposits by missions abroad)
Secretary's Office Files

CE Series (Dedicated series covering all Council of Europe matters)
Document from [1949] to [1973]Printed inventory of deposited files available in the Reading Room in National Archives. Searchable catalogues on National Archives website.
Any member of the public is admitted provided he/she is accepted as a reader by the Director of the National Archives. No particular qualifications are needed. Official letters of introduction or recommendation for non-nationals are normally not required.
CE Series , Council of Europe Section files covering general Council of Europe issues. (note: a number of the older 417 series which specifically related to Council of Europe matters were re-registered into the CE Series.) Finding aids indicate all relevant reference numbers.
Coucil of Europe
Photocopying and microfilming provided. Charges will apply and prices vary depending on requirements
Copyright. Permission to publish is granted on request in respect of documents produced by Ministers and Public Servants in the course of their official duties.
Sub-series of possible interest: All of the files in the CE series relate to different aspects of the Council of Europe