Direction des Archives du ministère des Affaires étrangères
Minister's Cabinet - Bidault
Minister's Cabinet -Schuman
Minister's Cabinet - Pinay
Minister's Cabinet-Pineau
Minister's Cabinet-Couve de Murville
General Secretariat
Economic and financial affairs - Economic cooperation
Papers of officials- Robert Schuman
Papers of officials- René Massigli
Papers of officials - Jacques Seydoux
Minister's Cabinet - Pinay
Document from [1955] to [1956]
Finding Aids:
Access Conditions:
According to the dispositions of the 2004 Code on Heritage (Book II-Archives), documents may be freely consulted after a period of 30 years has expired or after the expiration of special closing periods foreseen in article L 213-2
Extent and Medium:
51 articles
Relations of France with the various countries of Europe, EDC
Fonds Creator:
Minister's Cabinet
Publication Notes:
See articles 9 to 17