SEC(1987)457 - 149éme réunion bimensuelle "aides" du jeudi 12 novembre 1987 NOTE A L'ATTENTION DE MM LES CHEFS DE CABINET Objet: Aide d'Etat C. 7/86 (ex NN 23/85) - ALLEMAGNE - Proposal for a final negative decision concerning e non-notified grant of DM 2 million that the Land of Baden-Wurttemberg has provided to BUG Alutechnic, a producer of semi-finished and finished aluminium products. PROPOSITION de M: SUTHERLAND
SEC(1987)457 - 149éme réunion bimensuelle "aides" du jeudi 12 novembre 1987 NOTE A L'ATTENTION DE MM LES CHEFS DE CABINET Objet: Aide d'Etat C. 7/86 (ex NN 23/85) - ALLEMAGNE - Proposal for a final negative decision concerning e non-notified grant of DM 2 million that the Land of Baden-Wurttemberg has provided to BUG Alutechnic, a producer of semi-finished and finished aluminium products. PROPOSITION de M: SUTHERLAND
Document date: [1987]
Identity Statement
Brouet, Agnes
Content and Structure
Volume 1987/0019
Le(s) titre(s) et date(s) du(des) document(s) proposé(s) sont basés sur les plus pertinents du dossier.
Date indicative : 10/11/1987
149éme réunion bimensuelle "aides" du jeudi 12 novembre 1987 NOTE A L'ATTENTION DE MM LES CHEFS DE CABINET Objet: Aide d'Etat C. 7/86 (ex NN 23/85) - ALLEMAGNE - Proposal for a final negative decision concerning e non-notified grant of DM 2 million that the Land of Baden-Wurttemberg has provided to BUG Alutechnic, a producer of semi-finished and finished aluminium products. PROPOSITION de M: SUTHERLAND (FRA)
Volume 1987/9007
Le(s) titre(s) et date(s) du(des) document(s) proposé(s) sont basés sur les plus pertinents du dossier.
Date indicative : 13/11/1987
NOTE A L'ATTENTION DE MM LES MEMBRES DE LA COMMISSION Objet: Aide d'Etat C. 7/86 'ex NN 23/85) - ALLEMAGNE - Proposal for a negative decision concerning a non-notified grant of DM 2 million that the Land of Baden-Wurttemberg has provided to BUG Aluthechnic, a producer of semi-finished and finished aluminium products. (FRA)
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