COM(1974)181 - PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL REGULATION completing the list of products which can be the object of private storage measures for beef and veal (submitted to the Council by the Commission)

Document date: [1974]

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HAEU Reference Code
Original Reference Code
Extent and Medium

1 volume(s) papier

Reference Archivists

Brouet, Agnes

Content and Structure


Volume 1974/0027
Date indicative : 11/02/1974
PROPOSAL FOR A COUNCIL REGULATION completing the list of products which can be the object of private storage measures for beef and veal (submitted to the Council by the Commission) (ENG)
Vorschlag einer VERORDNUNG DES RATES zur Ergänzung der Liste der Waren, die Gegenstand von Maßnahmen privater Lagerhaltung im Rindfleischsektor sein können. (von der Kommission dem Rat vorgelegt) (DEU)
Voorstel voor een VERORDENING VAH DE RAAD houdende aanvulling van de lijst van produkten, waarvoor de maatregelen voor de particuliere opslag in de sector rundvlees kunnen worden toegepast (door de Commissie bij de Raad ingediend) (NLD)
Proposta di REGOLAMENTO DEL CONSIGLIO che completa l'elenco dei prodotti che possono essere oggetto di misure d'ammasso previste nel settore delle carni bovine (presentata dalla Commissione al Consiglio) (ITA)
Forslag til RÅDETS FORORDNING om nærmere bestemmelse af de varer, for hvilke der kan ydes støtte til privat oplagring af oksekød (forelagt Rådet af Kommissionen) (DAN)

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