International expert meeting organised by the "Jacques Maritain" International Institute, Venezuela
International expert meeting organised by the "Jacques Maritain" International Institute, Venezuela
Documents from 07 April 1983 to 09 April 1983
Identity Statement
1 file
Carr, Mary
Content and Structure
International expert meeting on "International Social Justice: objectives, structures and roads to its achievement", includes: letters from organisers to Fossi concerning his participation at the meeting, programme of work, list of participants, descriptive note of meeting, handwritten notes by GF; : Handwritten paper by M. Dewulf "Une nouvelle nouvelle allegianceallégeance aux Nations Unies pour promouvoir la justice sociale internationale?; "The search for social justice at the global level: reflections on public images and the role of functional groups" by Charles Dechert; "The moral base of development" by Prof. L. Baeck; "Sobre la justicia social internacional" José Rodriguez Iturbe; "International social justice within the existing system of international relations" by Louis Sabourin; "La justicia social internacional como objetivo y orientación par la actividad de las organizaciones internacionales" , Juan Pablo Terra; "The equity problem in world development" Prof L. Baeck.
Conditions of Access and Use
English, French, Spanish