Historical Archives of the European Union
Audio-visual Collections
Fonds. [TPS] Tommaso Padoa Schioppa
Date. 13 June 2000 - 16 June 2000
The 2000 Harvard Business School Global Alumni Conference
Location. Berlin [Germany]
Fonds. [TPS] Tommaso Padoa Schioppa
Date. 13 June 2000 - 16 June 2000
The 2000 Harvard Business School Global Alumni Conference
Location. Berlin [Germany]
Fonds. [HC] Henri Cartan
Date. [1970] - [1977]
Journée européenne des écoles
Comics with some activities during the European Day of School.
Fonds. [AEDE] Association européenne des enseignants
Date. [1998]
De Euro & ik
Call for participation to students in a school competition "The Euro and I" sponsored by Generale Bank.
Location. [Netherlands (the)]
Fonds. [AEDE/IT] Association européenne des enseignants / Italie
Date. 16 January 1989 - [1992]
Lunedì 16 gennaio 1989: 36° giornata europea della scuola
Message to young people: "school must and have to make its contribution to the process of unifying Europe".
Location. [Italy]
Fonds. [AEDE] Association européenne des enseignants
Date. [1965]
Europäischer Schultag 1965
The 1965 European Schoo... [Read more]
Location. [Germany]
Fonds. [ADG] Alcide De Gasperi
Date. [1952] - [1983]
XVII giornata europea della scuola
Promotion of the 17th E... [Read more]
Location. Turin [Italy]
Fonds. [ESF] European Science Foundation
Date. 23 July 1990 - 01 August 1990
History of European expansion
Call for the summer sch... [Read more]
Location. Cambridge [United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)]
Fonds. [SP] Samuele Pii
Date. 03 March 2006
Cittadini d'Europa - La mia Europa
School project: simulation of a European referendum "Are you in favor of the idea of a European constitution?".
Location. Ortisei [Italy]
Fonds. [LC] Lorella Cedroni
Date. [1983] - [2017]
Scienze e metodologia dell'informazione - Scuola superiore
Promotion of the "Information Science and Methodology High School" of Rome.
Location. Rome [Italy]
Fonds. [AEDE/IT] Association européenne des enseignants / Italie
Date. 20 December 1988 - [1998]
Association Européenne des Enseignants (AEDE) sezione italiana - gruppo di Taranto - Lunedì 16 gennaio 1989: 36° giornata europea della scuola
Poster promoting youth ... [Read more]
Location. Taranto [Italy]
Fonds. [AMG] Albert-Marie Gordiani
Date. [1967] - [12/1966]
Journée Européenne des Écoles 1967
Promotion of the 1967 E... [Read more]
Location. [France]
Fonds. [AEDE/IT] Association européenne des enseignants / Italie
Date. 16 January 1989 - [1992]
Lunedì 16 gennaio 1989: 36° giornata europea della scuola
Message to young people: "the newly elected European Parliament must have a constituent mandate for the European political union".
Location. [Italy]
Fonds. [AEDE/IT] Association européenne des enseignants / Italie
Date. 16 January 1989 - [1992]
Lunedì 16 gennaio 1989: 36° giornata europea della scuola
Message to young people: "only European unification will be able to solve today's world most serious problems, including yours".
Location. [Italy]
Fonds. [GZ] Giancarlo Zoli
Date. 05 March 1987 - 07 March 1987
Le donne a scuola - l'educazione femminile nell'Italia dell'Ottocento
Study conference titled "Women at school - female education in Italy in the nineteenth century". Picture of an Alphabet Embroidery
Location. Siena [Italy]
Fonds. [AEDE/IT] Association européenne des enseignants / Italie
Date. 16 January 1989 - [1992]
Lunedì 16 gennaio 1989: 36° giornata europea della scuola
Message to young peopl... [Read more]
Location. [Italy]
Fonds. [ESF] European Science Foundation
Date. 20 July 1992 - [07/1994]
History of European expansion
Call for the Summer cou... [Read more]
Location. Evora [Portugal]
Fonds. [AEDE] Association européenne des enseignants
Date. [1956]
Pour un enseignement ouvert à l'Europe en formation adherez a l'Association Européenne des Enseignants
Call for adhesion to th... [Read more]
Location. Paris [France]
Fonds. [AEDE] Association européenne des enseignants
Date. 29 November 1995
Introduction de la dimension européenne dans l'enseignement
Programme of the half-d... [Read more]
Location. [France]
Fonds. [TPS] Tommaso Padoa Schioppa
Date. 05 April 2001
Conference "Europa: quale futuro dopo l'euro" organized by the Fondazione Lucchini
Location. Brescia [Italy]
Fonds. [TPS] Tommaso Padoa Schioppa
Date. 05 April 2001
Conference "Europa: quale futuro dopo l'euro" organized by the Fondazione Lucchini
Location. Brescia [Italy]
Fonds. [TPS] Tommaso Padoa Schioppa
Date. 05 April 2001
Conference "Europa: quale futuro dopo l'euro" organized by the Fondazione Lucchini
Location. Brescia [Italy]
Fonds. [TPS] Tommaso Padoa Schioppa
Date. 05 April 2001
Conference "Europa: quale futuro dopo l'euro" organized by the Fondazione Lucchini
Location. Brescia [Italy]
Fonds. [TPS] Tommaso Padoa Schioppa
Date. 05 April 2001
Conference "Europa: quale futuro dopo l'euro" organized by the Fondazione Lucchini
Location. Brescia [Italy]
Fonds. [TPS] Tommaso Padoa Schioppa
Date. 05 April 2001
Conference "Europa: quale futuro dopo l'euro" organized by the Fondazione Lucchini
Location. Brescia [Italy]
Fonds. [TPS] Tommaso Padoa Schioppa
Date. 05 April 2001
Conference "Europa: quale futuro dopo l'euro" organized by the Fondazione Lucchini
Location. Brescia [Italy]
Fonds. [TPS] Tommaso Padoa Schioppa
Date. 05 April 2001
Conference "Europa: quale futuro dopo l'euro" organized by the Fondazione Lucchini
Location. Brescia [Italy]
Fonds. [TPS] Tommaso Padoa Schioppa
Date. 01 July 1999
Conference organized by the Central Bank of Luxembourg
Location. Luxembourg [Luxembourg]
Fonds. [TPS] Tommaso Padoa Schioppa
Date. 01 July 1999
Conference organized by the Central Bank of Luxembourg
Location. Luxembourg [Luxembourg]