Historical Archives of the European Union
Audio-visual Collections
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Fonds. [FMM] Franco Maria Malfatti
Date. 15 February 1971
Discussion between Michel Cointat, French Minister for Agriculture and Sicco Mansholt, Vice-President of the CEC in charge of Agriculture at the Agriculture Council, 142th meeting
Location. Brussels [Belgium]
Fonds. [FMM] Franco Maria Malfatti
Date. 01 July 1970 - 01 March 1972
Meeting between Franco Maria Malfatti, President of the CEC and Michel Cointat, French Minister for Agriculture
Location. Brussels [Belgium]
Fonds. [FMM] Franco Maria Malfatti
Date. 15 February 1971
Farmers demonstrating against the Common Agricultural Policy at the Agriculture Council, 142th meeting
Location. Brussels [Belgium]