Historical Archives of the European Union
Audio-visual Collections
Fonds. [EUI] European University Institute
Date. [2008] - [2009]
Max Weber Lectures 2008-2009
Lectures at the Europ... [Read more]
Location. Florence [Italy]
Fonds. [LC] Lorella Cedroni
Date. 18 February 1994 - [2017]
Filosofia e Democrazia in Augusto Del Noce
Lecture on "Philosophy and democracy in Augusto Del Noce".
Location. Maddaloni [Italy]
Fonds. [SP] Samuele Pii
Date. 31 May 2005
L'avenir de la démocratie en Europe
Lecture "The future of democracy in Europe" by Tzvetan Todorov.
Location. Turin [Italy]
Fonds. [PD] Philippe Deshormes
Date. 06 April 1979
The United States, the new Europe, and the Soviet Union
Public Lecture by Philippe Deshormes (secretary general of the North Atlantic Assembly).
Location. Norwich [United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)]
Fonds. [LC] Lorella Cedroni
Date. 27 April 2006 - [2017]
Gruppo Studentesco DiversamenteBrescia, Ilvolterino.com - I giovani e la politica - Storia organizzazione e partecipazione
Lecture: "Young people and politics - History of organisation and participation".
Location. Brescia [Italy]
Fonds. [LC] Lorella Cedroni
Date. [1987] - [2017]
Eurovisioni - Festival internazionale di cinema e televisione
International festiva... [Read more]
Location. Rome [Italy]
Fonds. [LC] Lorella Cedroni
Date. [1983] - [2017]
Ricerca/studio sul tema: Conciliazione tra tempi di lavoro e tempi di vita
Research/study on th... [Read more]
Location. Rome [Italy]
Fonds. [ESF] European Science Foundation
Date. 12 October 2000 - 20 April 2002
AMIF - Second ESF International Conference
Call for the Applied ... [Read more]
Location. Castelletto Pascoli [Italy]