Historical Archives of the European Union

Audio-visual Collections

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  • 41329

    Fonds. [ESF] European Science Foundation

    Date. 17 April 2000 - 20 April 2002

    AMIF - Third ESF International Conference

    Poster on Applied Mathematics for Industrial Flow Problems (AMIF), third ESF international conference (April 17-20, 2002). Topics: computational fluid dynamics; biomathematics; numerical simulations. Grants are available to young researchers, particularly those from Eastern Europe; Information on grants, locati... [Read more]

    Location. Lisbon [Portugal]

  • 41328

    Fonds. [ESF] European Science Foundation

    Date. 12 October 2000 - 20 April 2002

    AMIF - Second ESF International Conference

    Call for the Applied Mathematics for Industrial Flow Problems (AMIF) Conference (October 12-14, 2000). The event featured: invited speakers from various institutions; lectures on biomathematics, aeroelasticity, and viscoelastic flows; "a special mini-symposium on numerical methods for fluid-structure interaction problems". Info on grants available for young researchers, particularly from Eastern Euro... [Read more]

    Location. Castelletto Pascoli [Italy]

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