Interview with Bassols Jacas, Raimundo

From the Voices on Europe Collection

Identity Statement

HAEU Reference Code
Interview Informations

Recorded in 24 July 1998 Madrid
Interview by M. Sanmaniego Boneu in Spanish

Access Level
Open Transcript, Closed Audio

Electronic File


domestic policy: Spain: terrorism: 1970-1975 (page: 12-16)
domestic policy: Spain: political party: accession to the Community (page: 21)
common commercial policy: preferential agreement: Spain: 1964-1986 (page: 6-8, 10-13, 16-17)
enlargement of the Community: Spain: 1975-1979 (page: 11-20)
enlargement of the Community: Spain: France / Federal Republic of Germany / Italy (page: 21-25)
enlargement of the Community: Spain: Community membership (page: 25-26, 32-33)
EU institutions: democratisation (page: 29-31)
CFSP (page: 27-29)
Cited Persons

Borbone, Juan Carlos Di, Castiella, Fernando María, Giscard D'Estaing, Valéry

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Where prior permission must be obtained for the reproduction or use of textual and multimedia information
(sound, images, etc.), this permission cancels the general permission mentioned elsewhere and indicates any restrictions on use.

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