British Press Cuttings 36

Documents from 01 November 2011 to 24 December 2011

Identity Statement

HAEU Reference Code
Extent and Medium

1 file

Reference Archivists

Carr, Mary

Content and Structure


Mostly Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph, also The Week.
Collection of letters to various newspapers, David Cameron and the EU, Europe at a glance, bond markets, Mario Monti, Eurozone crisis, bank credit rating, Nick Clegg, asylum seekers, debt deals, calls for Britain to leave the EU, British relationships with France and Germany, China, European Central Bank, credit rating of Spain and Italy, Alex Salmond, anti-austerity movements, rising euro scepticism, Nicolas Sarkozy, David Miliband, military risk of Eurozone crisis, London City, Brussels summit, European Central Bank (ECB), STANDARD & Poor’s, the Euro, credit ratings, the strength of the Euro, austerity in Greece and Italy, rescue package for Eurozone, Silvio Berlusconi , Spanish election, Mariano Rajoy, Mario Draghi, austerity in Greece and Italy, Mario Draghi, George Papandreou, UKIP, Nigel Farage.

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