British Press Cuttings 16

Documents from 01 January 2005 to 28 February 2005

Identity Statement

HAEU Reference Code
Extent and Medium

1 file

Reference Archivists

Carr, Mary

Content and Structure


Mostly Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph, also Financial World.
Financial Services Authority (FSA), wine wars between France and Spain, immigration, Silvio Berlusconi, Manuel Barroso, Jean-Claude Junker, Peter Mandelson, French referendum on EU constitution, Eurotunnel, corruption in France, bank mergers in Italy, Anglo French relations, Mervyn King, George Soros, Britain and the Euro, farm subsideries, ECB, Silvio Berlusconi hostage situation and relationship with US, German economy, Czech property scandal, Prevention of Terrorism Bill, interview with Colin Powell, Colin Powell, Ryanair, Britons moving to Brittany, NATO, American –European relationships, Spanish vote on European constitution, English and the new European constitution, French American relations, immigration, holocaust, Brown and Blair, French industrial disputes.

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