Institut syndical européen pour la recherché, la formation, la santé-sécurité

Documents from [1991] to [2006]

Identity Statement

HAEU Reference Code
Physical Medium


Reference Archivists

Becherucci, Andrea

Content and Structure


"Actors for Sustainable Development", "Muscoloskeletal Disorders and Work Organisation in the European Clothing Industry", "Reaching the workplace. Trade unions call for a more ambitious European policy on chemicals", "Risk Estimation for Muscoloskeletal Disorders in Machinery Design Integrating a User Perspective", "The Working Environment in the European Union : the difficult transition from law to practice", "Stress at Work", "The safety of work equipment. User-oriented strategies for improving technical standards", "Implementing the Community strategy as enlargement nears", "Joint OSH strategy for the enlarged Europe", "Synopsis of European Health and Safety Directives", "Synopsis of Community Health and Safety Directives", "A European system to improve machinery safety by drawing on users experience"

Conditions of Access and Use


English, French

Type of Archival Materials


Allied Materials

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